You can't control others... but you can influence *indirectly*


I've been getting feedback on what people would like to see me cover in the class this upcoming Wednesday, May 15th, about saying what you mean and being well-liked!

One of the themes I'm seeing is with regard to the "other."

Like how do I make the other see/do/etc.... ?

So... People have free will. You can't directly change anyone's internal reality, but you can enter through a side door.

For example, last night, one of my clients was talking to me about showing in her writing that the "pioneer spirit" was actually about working together and not individualism.

What she didn't notice (and what I pointed out) was that this ethos she's going to be sharing with the world is directly oppositional to the views of a political candidate she very much dislikes. She isn't specifically talking about that political candidate. She didn't even think of that candidate when thinking of this that she wanted to share. Rather she is BEing the light by sharing a communitarian view that feels good, that empowers, that unites rather than divides.

By just being HER, she's accomplishing an intention without directly mentioning it. Just... by BEing.

A common way people approach wanting to make someone else see our perspective is by going directly in, head-first, "I AM A'COMIN'"

Doesn't work. They're gonna reject you.

What we can do instead, rather, is align our being with our intentions and let "it" do it itself.

I will teach strategy for this in MY CLASS upcoming on this week!

Please do grab your ticket before time runs out.

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3-Hour event: How To Say What You MEAN *And* Be Well Liked!

3 Hour LIVE Event, May 15, 11:30 am New York, 8:30 am Los Angeles. Zoom info to be provided via email upon purchase.
A... Read more

Can't wait to see you there! Let's rock and roll.

Stay beautiful


Andee Scarantino at Get the F*ck Off

I'm a Mindset and Transformational coach on a mission to make personal development digestible. I'm the creator of - lotus information for non-lotus people. Spiritual life coach whose website is routinely flagged as porn 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣🧘🏻‍♀️ Whoops

Read more from Andee Scarantino at Get the F*ck Off

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